Ataliah isn't the kind of name you expect for a hippie. In fact, regular Jews don't name their girls Ataliah 'cause the one in the Bible was a wicked queen who grabbed the throne by killing off her brothers in law after her husband the king got himself assassinated.


Ataliah is a sweetie, but from where I'm coming from, I'm a bit skeptical about Flower Power.
I wonder what's Ataliah's take on our Negev Campus last week. We spent 4 days in the desert. We learned how its unique landscape was molded, carved and painted, and about the phenomena of Jewish settlement reclaiming the wilderness for the modern state of Israel.
The Negev has always been uninhabitable wasteland; a buffer between the land of Israel and Egypt, the highway of armies. Save for notable exceptions, such as the Nabataean civilization, it had been abandoned to nomads. At first it was even overlooked by the Zionist movements struggling to establish a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

The first settlers had to overcome two major obstacles. First of all, the British White Paper prohibited new Jewish settlement. This was solved with semantics; they called them "agriculture experimental stations". The second problem was the climate. Living at first in a "cave" (Which was actually a cistern abandoned by the Nabeteans) they build a stockade for defense, and then set about trying to grow something. The local well water is brackish, but by trapping desert flash floods they were able to dilute the salt content of the water enough for agriculture. At Kibbutz Revivim, among their first attempts as farmers was half an acre of gladiolas. Flowers in the Negev? At best, naïve.
The kibbutzniks were kinda like hippies, living off the land and sharing their stuff in a commune. Then some members of the U.N. commission partitioning Palestine showed up at Revivim. The kibbutzniks thought this was far out. They led the commissioners down the garden path and paused at the gladiola patch in full bloom.
"Really now", said one of the commissioners, "We didn't just fall of the turnip wagon! You probably stuck those in the ground yesterday."
To make his point, he grabbed one and pulled - and ended up with flower, bulb and roots in his hand. One of the kibbutzniks handed him shears.
"Dude, cut as much as you like, but it's, like, a real bummer to uproot the bulbs."
The commission returned to headquarters with a recommendation that the Negev be included in Israel. The kibbutzniks celebrated by smoking some of the stuff they were growing. (As an experiment, of course.)So maybe there is something to Flower Power after all. Looking back, those hippies were right about Vietnam and played a big part in the movement for civil rights. Ataliah isn't at all like her namesake, but she isn't naïve either. She was a combat soldier in the army and recently helped organize "Walkabout of Love". Ataliah isn't leading anyone down the garden path; she just has more faith than most, including me. I'm glad she doesn't pay attention to me and my stereotypes.
Like, if she did, that would really be a drag.....
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